










womens month


Grandparents Day 2023 at DENR-XII PENRO Sarangani

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The DENR-XII PENRO Sarangani celebrated the National Grandparent’s Day on September 15, 2023 to recognize the valuable efforts and contribution of every senior colleagues. Chief, TSD Jesus S. Boja, OIC-Chief, MSD For. Helen E. Villame, and Admin Assistant Genevieve N. Laya received tokens in honor of their service spent at the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Grandparents actually play a very important role in the life of every Filipino family which is why their efforts and contribution deserve appreciation.

PENR Officer, Shalimar A. Disomangcop convey his appreciation to the three senior colleagues as they continue to take part in the direction of the Department. The milestones of the elderly are amongst the stepping stones to many younger workers and are inspirations to others, he said.

Further, OIC-Chief, MSD Helen E. Villame also expressed her delight to all the personnel of DENR-XII PENRO Sarangani for organizing this kind of wonderful event. This kind of observance is truly a memorable one and a heart-warming for us, she said.


Over 4,000 Waterbirds Recorded in Sarangani Province in 2023 AWC

The Annual Asian Waterbird Census (AWC) conducted by the DENR Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office (PENRO) in Sarangani Province from January 18-19, 2023 recorded over 4,000 waterbirds of various species in eight wetland sites. 

Waterbird species seen include both resident and migratory birds that depend on wetlands for breeding, feeding, and resting, such as Whimbrels, Common Sandpipers, Kentish Plovers, Whiskered Terns, Lesser Frigatebirds, and Wandering Whales. Examples of these species include Little Egret, Intermediate Egret, Black-winged Stilt, Cinnamon Bittern, and Cinnamomeus (Charadrius hiaticula).

"We encourage everyone to take advantage of the annual Asian Waterbird Census (AWC) to observe and monitor the incredible biodiversity of Sarangani Province. Through the AWC, we have the unique opportunity to appreciate the natural wonders of the province and to help safeguard its future", said PENR Officer Maria Elvira V. Lumayag.

PENRO Lumayag added that “Sites in barangays Kawas, Alabel town, Badtasan in Kiamba, and Old Poblacion in Maitum were also visited in addition to the usual five (5) sites that we monitor annually,”.

The data collected by the teams will provide important information concerning the population sizes and distribution of these species in Sarangani Province. By keeping track of the population size and distribution of these species, conservationists can identify areas where populations may be declining and take steps to protect them, as well as monitor the overall health of wetland habitats.

collared kingfisher    The collared kingfisher (Todiramphus chloris) seen in the wetlands of Bgy. Kawas, Alabel.

dscn6241The beautiful Little Egrets (Egretta garzetta), living in harmony with nature at the wetlands of Bgy. Old Poblacion in Maitum.

dscn6293    A black-winged stilt (Himantopus himantopus) forages for food in the shallow waters at the rice fields in Old Poblacion, Maitum.


bamboo plantation

September 13, 2022 – Early morning of Tuesday, 800 seedlings of Bamboo and Indigenous tree were simultaneously planted by more than 700 public servants, students, people’s organizations, and private sector partners at the Pangi River and Buayan-Malungon River, the two major rivers of Sarangani that drains in Sarangani Bay Protected Seascape.

This simultaneous tree planting activity is a nationwide campaign of the Department of Interior and Local Government in partnership with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the Department of Agriculture with the theme: “Buhayin ang Pangangalaga ng Kalikasan” in hope to renew the commitment to revive our forests and protecting the environment by bringing together the different sectors for the achievement of a common goal.

Governor Rogelio "Ruel" D. Pacquiao, Mayors Alexander Bryan Reganit of Maitum, and George F. Falgui of Kiamba led the tree planting activity.

The said activity is also in celebration of the 65th birthday of President Ferdinand "Bongbong" Romualdez Marcos Jr. (PBBM) wherein under his administration, environmental preservation and sustainability and self-sufficiency are the focus.

Pangi River separates the Municipality of Kiamba and Maitum and is not only a known tourist spot because of the water tubing but it is recognized as one of the cleanest rivers in the Philippines.

In his address, Governor Pacquiao emphasized that we are all committed in protecting our environment, “Dili na ta makakita og ani kanindot nga lugar by the time comes, kung atong ipadayun ug guba ang atong environment”.

The message of appreciation and encouragement to all LGUs was given by the DILG Provincial Director Samuel A. Camaganacan and messages of commitment and support were given by Mayor George F. Falgui of Kiamba, Mayor Alexander Bryan Reganit of Maitum.

PENRO Maria Elvira V. Lumayag in her message to the leaders of the province, municipalities and barangays “I’m challenging you and requesting you to strengthen the enforcement of environmental laws. Mga kapitan, dapat wala pa naputol ang kahoy sa taas, magdakop na ta. Sa highway, dili natu ikalipay na nakadakop ta ug pila ka board feet, kay ibig sabihin dili maayo atong enforcement”.

To ensure a high survival rate of the planted Bamboo and Indigenous trees, Memorandum of Agreements were forged between DENR and the Barangays Tablao, in Kiamba, New La Union in Maitum, and Datal Tampal in Malungon.

Board Member Jess Bascuña, Provincial Administrator Atty. Ryan Jay Ramos former Kiamba Mayor Danny Martinez, and PENRO Rolando Tuballes together with the MENROs of the three municipalities also showed their commitment and support.

Also present in the said activity were men and women in uniform from the Philippine National Police led by Provincial Director PCol. Nicomedes P. Olaivar, Jr., the Philippine Army, Bureau of Fire Protection, Philippine Coastguard, Barangay Chairperson, different Civilian Volunteer Organizations and Siguil Hydro Power Corporation.


Clean -up and Bamboo Growing Activities in Pangi River

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Clean -up and Bamboo Growing Activities in Pangi RiverMore than 3 kilometers of the Pangi River bank were planted with 750 bamboo by more than 170 participants from the series of bamboo growing and clean-up activities conducted from July to August in the municipalities of Maitum and Kiamba. The mobilization of individuals, civic groups, and local communities is an undertaking of the R.I.V.E.R. for Life program led by CENRO Kiamba in partnership with Protected Area Management Office of Sarangani Bay Protected Seascape (PAMO-SBPS) to enhance the water quality of Pangi River."We have conducted these activities since July 29 and every Friday of August this year enjoining the participation of the different communities and barangays near the Pangi River.”, bamboo growing 3said Forester Abdul D. Cariga, the CENR Officer as he forged partnerships with barangays Tablao and Kiambing in the Municipality of Kiamba and Barangay Wali in the Municipality of Maitum.“Pangi River is classified as Class B/C by the EMB. We are hopeful that through the series of interventions that we had been conducting since 2021, we can improve it to Class B or even Class A”, CENRO Cariga, added.

CR1M Riders Club Sargen Chapter, local communities and other planters used tree guards to protect the seedlings from flooding and stray animals.




Province wide Simultaneous Tree Planting Activity in Celebration of the Philippine Environment Month

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June 8, 2022 – Concerted efforts of PENRO Sarangani, National and Local Government Agencies, local communities, People’s Organizations, and stakeholders gathered more than 350 volunteer planters early in the morning of June 8, 2022, to simultaneously plant more than 1,000 seedlings in the municipalities of Maasim, Maitum, Glan, and Alabel, Sarangani Province. This undertaking is in line with the celebration of the Environment Month, a massive call for the public to collectively take action for our only home, echoing the theme “Aksyon Para sa Natatanging Mundo”.

Coffee, Ipil, Molave, Tabebuia, Narra, Cacao, Falcata, Mahogany, and Bamboo seedlings were planted in the barangays of Lumasal, Zion, Pangyan and the two-planting sites of PENRO office at Alegria, and Spring. A total of 200 tabebuia seedlings were also distributed to the beneficiaries of the Enhanced National Greening Program at Purok Calsidao, Bgy. Pangyan in the Municipality of Glan.

The top management officials of PENRO Sarangani, CENR Officers Abdul C. Cariga and Rosalinda B. Cortez led the event with the support of the MENROs of Alabel, Maasim, and Maitum, BLGUs, Sarangani Police Provincial Office Director PCol Nicomede P. Olaivar, Jr., DPWH Sarangani District Engineering Office, USAID-Safe Waters, tree planting5PNP Maritime of Kiamba and Maitum, Philippine Coast Guards, 38th Infantry Battalion, Seguil Hydro Power Corporation, Conrado & Ladislawa Alcantara Foundation, Inc., Pongole-el Integrated School and different People’s Organizations.

Right after the tree planting, the rescued two reticulated pythons (Python reticulatus eticulatus) and two Yellow-headed water monitor lizards (Varanus cumingi) were released back into the wild by Engr. Allan C. Rivera of MENRO Alabel and Ms. Earth-Alabel Merhyl Kit Paraluman, at Sitio Pongole-el, Bgy. Alegria, Sarangani Province. 









June 1, 2022 – Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office joined by the various partner government agencies, concerned local government units, and Peoples’ Organizations, officially opened the environment month with a simultaneous” motorcade in the three municipalities of Sarangani Province. PENRO Sarangani in Pink, echoed this year’s theme “Aksyon para sa Natatanging Mundo” at the streets of the three municipalities of Alabel, Glan and Kiamba.

The Philippine National Police, Maritime, Philippine Coast Guard, Bureau of Fire, and the MLGUs attended the short program prepared by the respective offices after the motorcade.

PENR Officer Maria Elvira V. Lumayag extends her gratitude for the collective efforts of the partners of in the conservation and protection of Sarangani Bay Protected Seascape, particularly in the battle against the outbreak of the predator of corals the Crown of Thorns (COT). 

“Different activities are lined up for the environment month but I want to emphasize the COT collection because of its massive effect on the marine resources of Sarangani Bay” said PENRO Lumayag. 

CENR Officer Abdul C. Cariga of CENRO Kiamba discussed the details of the theme at the municipal grounds of Kiamba. On the other side of the bay, OIC-CENR Officer Rosalinda B. Cortez accentuates the importance of the Environment Month and the collaboration of the different sectors for a sustainable action in combatting climate change and biodiversity loss.

“I am doing my best as much as I could to make sure the environmental initiatives in Alabel will be known to the whole Philippines,” said Ms. Alabel Merhyl Kit Paraluman, representative to Ms. Earth Philippines.



Dugongs spotted in Sarangani Bay during Sarbay Fest 2022


GLAN, SARANGANI PROVINCE - Beachgoers, locals, and volunteers alike watched in amazement as seven (7) dugongs swam close to the shores of Barangay Gumasa, here on a sunny Friday afternoon.

"It is quite the coincidence that these marine mammals appeared just in time with our celebration of SarBay Fest 2022!" said Protected Area Superintendent (PAsu) of Sarangani Bay Protected Seascape (SBPS) Joy C. Ologuin.

Earlier that day, participants from the local government unit of Glan, Provincial Government of Sarangani, PNP Maritime, Philippine Coast Guard, DENR-12, DENR Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Officer (PENRO) of Sarangani, and SBPS Protected Area Management Office (PAMO) in partnership with community volunteers kicked off the celebration of SarBay Fest 2022 with a massive Crown-of-Thorns (COT) starfish Collection Activity at Coco Beach Resort in Barangay Gumasa.

"We were docked some distance away from the beach aboard the DENR Monitoring Boat. We just finished our COT collection activity when our team spotted dugongs breaking the water's surface," recounted PAMO In-House veterinarian Dr. Roy O. Mejorada.

"We quickly deployed the drone and confirmed 7 dugongs: 3 pairs of mothers and their calves!" he said.

Captured in the drone photos are mother dugongs nursing their calves as the SBPS monitoring team documented them from a safe distance.

This year's theme for SarBay Fest 2022 is Wake up, SarBay! PENR Officer Maria Elvira V. Lumayag said in her message of support, "This SarBay Fest, we are enjoining the public to join us in conserving SBPS, let us wake up in the beauty and richness of Sarangani Bay!" (report and photos from PAMO-SBPS and SRCabildo of PENRO Sarangani)


glan aectf

DENR-12 Inaugurates Anti-Environmental Crime Task Force Checkpoint

ALABEL, SARANGANI PROVINCE – The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Region 12 has officially launched on Monday (May 30) the Anti-Environmental Crime Task Force (AECTF) checkpoint located at National Highway of Barangay Maribulan here.

Community Environment and Natural Resources Officer of Glan Dr. Rosalinda B. Cortez said the checkpoint will help to strictly implement the laws involving enforcement or violations on environment and natural resources like the illegal transportation of forest products and wildlife.

She also expressed her gratitude to the provincial government of Sarangani, specifically to current governor and newly-elected congressman Steve C. Solon, for his contribution in environmental protection.

In his message, DENR-12 Regional Executive Director Atty. Felix S. Alicer emphasized the need to update and capacitate the department’s personnel in enforcing environmental laws and procedures to help bring people closer to the environment.

RED Alicer also pointed out the need to establish a monitoring station in the municipality of Malungon to regulate the incoming routes from neighboring provinces and regions.

Also present in the ceremony were Governor Solon, PENR Officer Maria Elvira Lumayag, PASu Joy Ologuin, Provincial Assistant Administrator Engr. Gerald Faciol, Alabel Municipal Councilor Paul Villamor, MENR Officer Engr. Allan Rivera, PNP Alabel, and Barangay Kagawad of Maribulan Diosdado Sichon. (report and photos from JCDumanon, CENRO Glan IO Designate)



1st ever Baybay Awards for Coastal Barangays launches in Sarangani Bay Protected Seascape!

As part of the celebrations for the 26th Founding Anniversary of Sarangani Bay Protected Seascape (SBPS), the SBPS Protected Area Management Board (PAMB) launched their very first Baybay Awards: Search for the cleanest and best managed coastal Barangay among the 7 LGUs of SBPS.baybay awardbaybay award1baybay award2baybay award3

Nine (9) Barangays shall be competing for the Baybay Awards' Small, Medium, and Large Categories. These contenders shall be judged on their capability to practice proper PA management, be it in enforcement efforts, local legislation of Marine Protected Areas, Solid Waste Management, Water Quality & Coastal Sanitation, Ecosystem Rehabilitation, Fund Outsourcing, Information Campaigns, and observance of the seascape's easement zone.  The Awards also recognize the coastal Barangays which have the Best Mangrove Initiative, Best Seagrass Initiative and Best Coral Reef Initiative.

“This year we are recognizing the efforts of our Barangays as our partners in conserving SBPS. They have their own environmental initiatives and best practices that are worth recognizing, which can be emulated by other Barangays” SBPS PASu Joy C. Ologuin said in an interview.
The Baybay Awards' entry submissions and onsite validation recently concluded on March 04, 2022. The winners shall be announced during the final awarding ceremony on March 08, 2022 at Greenleaf Hotel, General Santos City.

“We are offering major prizes for this competition in the form of project funding. Our grand prize shall be PHP 200,000.00 for the winning Barangay! This prize funding however can only be utilized for projects, programs, and activities that shall benefit SBPS," DENR 12 RED and concurrent PAMB SBPS Chairperson Atty. Felix S. Alicer announced.

DENR PENRO Sarangani Maria Elvira V. Lumayag expressed her support to the PAMB's Baybay Awards, stating that “Recognizing our Barangays is one way of inspiring these coastal barangays to do their best for Sarangani Bay. We are encouraging them to be creative in initiating measures for the conservation of SBPS.”


Researchers gather at very 1st SBPS Science Research Colloquium on SBPS Week 2022


Researchers gather at very 1st SBPS Science Research Colloquium on SBPS Week 2022

Academe and independent researchers alike convened at the 1st ever Science Research Colloquium of Sarangani Bay Protected Seascape (SBPS) on March 08-09, 2022 at Veranza Mall, General Santos City with the theme "Pushing forward science-based approach for protected area management."

"This Research Colloquium is to bring relevant knowledge together--- management decisions for the seascape must have sound basis in scientific data." Protected Area Superintendent (PASU) Joy C. Ologuin explained.

The Colloquium officially opened on the morning of March 08, 2022 with the ceremonial Ribbon


Cutting of DENR 12 RED Atty. Felix S. Alicer. Fifteen (15) research abstracts were posted in the Veranza Mall's Activity Center open for public viewing. The showcased studies revealed significant data on the seascape's resources such as the status of its beach forests, the behavior of its resident whales and dolphins, and the apparent buildup of microplastics in its shores.

The next day, researchers competed for the best oral presenter of the Science Research Colloquium, with Ms. Liezle Coronica from Notre Dame of Dadiangas University (NDDU) Gensan winning the first prize. On the other hand, DepEd Teacher II Mr. Pepin Panerio won the best Poster Presenter Award of the Colloquium, while senior high students of Alabel National Science Highschool bagged the most promising study.

PENRO Sarangani Maria Elvira V. Lumayag expressed her gratitude at the researchers' enthusiasm in presenting their studies. "We look forward to more research entries on the next Science Colloquium!"


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Pawikan nesting season begins in Sarangani Bay Protected Seascape (SBPS).

The SBPS Protected Area Management Office (PAMO) has officially announced the start of the sea turtle (pawikan) nesting season in Sarangani Bay, which usually peaks on the months of March to May every year. "SBPS has four (4) known marine turtle species: Green Sea Turtle (Chelonia mydas), Olive Ridley Turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea), Loggerhead Turtle (Caretta caretta) and the critically endangered Hawksbill Turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata).

The seascape's shoreline are a favored nesting ground for these turtles" said Protected Area Superintendent (PASU) Joy C Ologuin in an interview. “Let us not disturb marine turtles when they come ashore and are about to lay eggs at night. Do not shine a flashlight, make loud noises, or take photos with the camera flash turned on. Instead, we should just leave them alone and allow them to lay their eggs safely." PAMO In-House Veterinarian Dr. Roy Mejorada advised.

Once the eggs are laid, they incubate in the sand for roughly two (2) months before the turtle hatchlings emerge from their nest. As the hatchlings race towards the sea, they imprint or "remember" their birthplace, committing it to memory so that one day, when the hatchlings mature, they shall return to the same beach where they were born to lay their own eggs.

“We urge our partners, communities, and local industries to keep our beaches clean and free from any structures/hindrances that may hamper the nesting of our pawikan. It is our joint responsibility to ensure that the beaches of Sarangani Bay remain safe and open for sea turtles to lay their eggs." PENRO Sarangani Maria Elvira V. Lumayag emphasized.

You too can play a part in protecting the seascape's marine turtles! If you spot a pawikan coming ashore, you should keep your distance and report the incident to your local Bantay Dagat, MENRO/CENRO, or nearest DENR Office. You can also report the incident to SBPS Hotline Numbers 0909-618-9917 (Smart) or 0995-305-0306 (Globe)

Olive Ridley Sea Turtle rescued, rehabilitated, and released in Sarangani Bay Protected Seascape (SBPS)


A male Olive Ridley turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea) was found trapped inside a fishing net at Sitio San Vicente, Barangay Silway, General Santos City on January 29, 2022. Victoriano Picar, the responding Bantay Dagay, noticed a nylon string hanging from the turtle's mouth and suspected ingestion of fishing hook.

SBPS Protected Area Management Office (PAMO) In-House Veterinarian Dr. Roy Mejorada had to perform basic surgery to remove the fishing hooks lodged in the turtle's esophagus.

“We needed to perform basic surgery for the marine turtle. The hook may disrupt its feeding, causing starvation and eventual death.” Vet Mejorada said during an interview.
After five (5) days of recuperation, the City ENRO of General Santos City together with PAMO-SBPS Personnel tagged and released the rescued marine turtle.

“Marine Turtles are indicative of a healthy bay. They signify the abundance of prey such as jellyfish, small fishes, crabs, shrimps, algae, and sea urchins within the seascape." PASU SBPS Joy Ologuin said, "To date, this is the 4th marine turtle stranding we recorded for 2022. Two of the stranded turtles were successfully released back to the sea, while the other two were already dead when they stranded.”

"We urge our fisherfolks to refrain from fishing in areas with presence of marine turtles." Sarangani PENR Officer Elvira Lumayag appealed to the public. "If you come upon a stranded pawikan (marine turtle), you can report it to your Barangay Captain, Local ENRO, or the closest DENR Office, and we will respond."


tree hugger


Kiamba (February 18, 2022) The Department of Environment and Natural Resources through the Community Environment and Natural Resources Office (CENRO) Kiamba conducted an activity on tree hugging today at 7 o’clock in the morning in the beach forest of Barangay Kling, Kiamba, Sarangani Province.

The Tree Hugging Movement originated in 1970s in Northern India known as the “Chipko Movement”, a non-violent protest in India. It is believed that the said protest sparked the future environmental movements all over the world.

“We would like to thank DENR for holding this campaign in our barangay. We are one with our efforts with you in the protection and conservation of our environment”, said Hon. Michael Q. Chiongbian, the barangay chairman of Kling.tree hugger2

CENRO Kiamba chose Barangay Kling in the Municipality of Kiamba because of the existing beach forest and several narra trees established along the highway.

The CENR Officer of Kiamba, Forester Abdul Cariga, proudly said, “We would like to convey a message to the public that in Kiamba, we don’t just see big trees in the distant upland forest areas, but also in the coastal like the beach forest. We have centennial old trees along the coastal of Barangay Kling and the narra trees that can be seen as you pass by the highway”.

“This coastal area is also identified as nesting site of marine turtles”, he added.

The barangay chairman of Kling said that several coastal clean-up activities has been conducted along with other government agencies like the PNP and AFP. Regular monitoring is done by the barangay as beach goers tend to cook their food under the trees which is fire hazard and leaving their waste behind.

“The shade of big trees and the clean coastal attracts visitors in Kling. This indicates that the trees have social benefit along with the clean surroundings”, said Michael Q. Chiongbian, the barangay chairman of Kling.

Signages has been installed so that visitors shall be reminded not to litter in the area as it is also part of the Sarangani Bay Protected Seascape.kiamba iac

An information and education campaign was conducted in the covered court of the said barangay after the tree hugging activity. Environmental policies on Presidential Decree 705 as amended, Executive Order 23, RA 9147 or the Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection Act and related guidelines, permit issuances of the DENR were discussed as well as the Gender and Development feauting the “Chipko Movement” as initiated by Indian women in 1970s.

The five-day campaign on tree hugging which started on February 14, 2022 aims to promote the importance of nurturing the forests and to recognize the importance of trees to the health of the people (Aileen D. Tenio, Information Officer Designate of CENRO Kiamba)



marine turlte


An adult marine turtle was rescued, tagged and released back to the sea, today at Tuka Marine Park, Badtasan, Kiamba, Sarangani Province. A resident of Poblacion, Kiamba Mr. Dexter Balle reported the incident of rescuing marine turtle on January 27, 2022 to the PNP Maritime Group and LGU-Kiamba.
“We just rescued a male Olive Ridley today. As we examined the reptile, it is healthy and has no wounds of any kind”, said Zenix R. Lomboy and Maria N. Tubera, personnel of CENRO Kiamba. marine turtle1The said reptile was tagged before its release in Marine Tuka Park today. Rescued marine turtles are more likely to occur from January to June of every year caused by the abundance of food in the area which is part of Sarangani Bay Protected Seascape.
“We are glad that we are receiving such information from our partners in environmental and wildlife monitoring like the PNP and the LGU. The response from the public in giving us information on wildlife rescue can be attributed to the intensified information and education campaigns from the past years”, said the CENR Officer Abdul D. Cariga.



CENRO Kiamba Welcomes new PENRO Sarangani Officials

The Community Environment and Natural Resources of Kiamba welcome the new PENRO of Sarangani. A program was initiated by CENRO Kiamba personnel under the leadership of CENRO Abdul D. Cariga.

During the event, the new Chief of Management Services Division, For. Helen E. Villame also graced the event and was welcomed on the said event. From her message, she thanked the Sarangans for giving her a warm welcome. “I feel like I have a new home in Sarangani through you. With this new assignment, I a willing to work with you and lend a hand”, she said.

“Let us therefore focus on what is ahead of us and let us accomplished together for the best!”.

 Forester Villame was formerly assigned as Assistant PMD Chief and Assistant CENR Officer of CENRO Banga.

A message was also given by the newly assigned PENR Officer of Sarangani, Maria Elvira V. Lumayag. A Sarangan herself, who was hailed as the best performing CENR Officer of CY 2021 in DENR 12, expressed her gratitude and encouraged to give the best job performance for DENR .  ckwelcomepsar3

“I am known to be strict, but I only follow the policy of being a public servant”, she said

 “ For many years of being a CENR Officer, I know the needs of field office”, she added.

She then challenged the CENRO Kiamba personnel to be responsible, practice team work and support CENRO Cariga in his endeavor and bring CENRO Kiamba as one of the top performing CENRO in Region XII.

The program ended with a celebration of fellowship and lunch.


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“Dap-ag Kapalit Bugas” launched in Maasim, Sarangani Province
The Protected Area Management Office (PAMO) of Sarangani Bay Protected Seascape (SBPS) initiated the first ever “Dap-ag Kapalit Bugas” Program last January 20, 2022 in Maasim, Sarangani Province in an effort to combat the ongoing Crown of Thorns (COT) starfish outbreaks in SBPS. This Program aims to contain the damage brought by COT starfish, which are known coral predators, by tapping on the aid of local communities.
Community volunteers were first oriented on the proper manner of collection to avert the hazard of being pricked by the COT's venomous spines. They were then encouraged to collect 300 COTs in exchange for a 25 kgs sack of rice.Participants from Barangay Tinoto in Maasim, many of which were women, managed to gather a total of 11,275 COTs.
In recognition of their efforts, the PAMO distributed 42 sacks of rice to 30 recipient families residing in Tinoto together with the Local Government Unit of Maasim.dap ag kapalit bugas
“We are delighted that most of our volunteers are women. This means the women are strong assets in environmental protection and conservation, especially with issues that needs to be resolved with urgency and active participation,” newly installed Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Officer of Sarangani Maria Elvira Lumayag said during her speech. “We are expecting to collect at least 75,000 COTs from the“Dap-ag Kapalit Bugas” program.
To date, our combined efforts already collected a total of 51,491 COTs in the whole seascape. These efforts shall be continuous until our seas are free from the threats brought by these COTs,” PASU Joy Ologuin said in an interview. SBPS has been experiencing COT outbreaks since November 2021 but its effects are being mitigated due to the combined efforts from community volunteers and partner agencies. | With report and photos from PAMO-SBPS


DENR investigates the injured Philippine eagle rescued in Maitum
Kiamba, Sarangani (January 12) - Just recently, another Philippine eagle was rescued by Mr. Mang Ganang in Sitio Wata, Barangay Ticulab. The said eagle is now under the custody of the Philippine Eagle Foundation for observation. 
On January 9, 2021, CENRO Kiamba came to see the rescued raptor and met Mr. Ganang.  Accoding to him, “I saw a big bird trying to catch a monkey in the portion of the forest, near the Salagbanog Falls. After a quick swipe on its prey, the raptor fell from the tree and was trapped in the thorny vines of rattan.”
Mr. Ganang rescued the big bird and immediately informed their Chieftain Fredimen M. Wanan on the incident, late afternoon of January 8. 
On the following day, the staff of LGU-Maitum and the Kabalikat Civicom-499 Chapter sent by Mayor Alexander Bryan Reganit went to Barangay Ticulab and confirmed that the rescued bird is a Philippine eagle. They then retrieved the raptor and turned it over to CENRO Kiamba same day by MENRO Nanettee Nacional of Maitum, Sarangani.
According to the Conservation and Development Section Chief, Forester Jessica C. Guilao, “We immediately arranged for the transport of the raptor and sought the technical assistance of the Philippine Eagle Foundation (PEF) through Mr. Jayson Ibanez”, she said.
The PEF immediately issued an initial statement on the night of January 9, 2021 regarding their findings on the raptor. The eagle undergone X-ray exam, blood test for CBC and fungal swab test. As per physical assessment, it is male, 3-5 years old and has gross weight of 4.25 kilograms.  
According to Dr. Ana Lascano, “The raptor is dehydrated, but has no fracture or wounds in the body. However, two bullets were found under its skin (a big jolen and a small lead pellet) and are now under close monitoring and further medical treatment.” 
“A surgical removal of these bullets will be done once the eagle recovers from dehydration. Other laboratory tests to be initiated will be DNA test, avian influenza and NCD screenings.”, she added.”rescuedpheagle1
“From the initial findings, the DENR through CENRO Kiamba will conduct an investigation on the suspected hunting of this raptor. This is a clear violation of RA 9147 or Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection Act”, emphasized by the CENR Officer, Ali M. Hadjinasser, PhD. 
This is the second Philippine eagle rescued in Maitum and the third Philippine eagle rescued by DENR in CENRO Kiamba jurisdiction (Aileen D. Tenio, Information Officer Designate/ Information and Photos courtesy of CENRO Kiamba Eagle Team).




DENR KIAMBA, SIGHTED juvenile PH eagle 

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Maitum, Sarangani (November 7, 2020) – More Philippine Eagles are inhabiting the Daekol Forest in Maitum, Sarangani, environment officials today said.

On Nov. 4, personnel from the Department of Environment and Natural Resources through the CENRO Kiamba has noticed the presence of juvenile Philippine eagle in Dakeol Forest located at Sitio Angko, Barangay Batian, Maitum, Sarangani Province — assessed to be declared as Critical Habitat.

A team from CENRO Kiamba and MENRO Staff OF Maitum have traversed Dakeol Forest to monitor the nesting sites of the Philippine eagles observed way back on June this year.

“We came back to monitor the nesting sites of the two Philippine eagle that we observed with the staff of Philippine Eagle Foundation (PEF) five months ago,” said Edgar Q. Calderon, the team leader and Park Maintenance Foreman of CENRO Kiamba.phil eagle sighted5

The nesting site was observed in the southern part of Dakeol Forest.

According to the virtual assessment of PEF, the said eagle is 10 to 12 months old and considered as juvenile. It is believed that the bird was an offspring of Sarangani Pride.

“As advised by PEF, the said eagle should be put with a tracking device to monitor its route. This will also be the means to locate the rest of the eagle in the said forest,” Mr. Calderon added.

The team also observed two more Philippines eagles in a distant site on the same day. This is in addition to several Philippine Serpent eagle existing in the area.

The DENR and PEF are planning for conservation activities of eagle and other future undertakings in the said area.

Backed up with LGU-Maitum's legislation, DENR is preparing FOR an administrative order to declare Dakeol Forest as a critical habitat for the Philippine eagle by 2021. (by: Aileen D. Tenio, IO Designate/ Photos courtesy of CENRO Kiamba’s Philippine eagle monitoring team)


Sarangani Bay Protected Seascape celebrates International Coastal Cleanup 2020!


On Saturday, September 19, 2020, a massive cleanup effort was conducted within Sarangani Bay Protected Seascape (SBPS) as part of the International Coastal Cleanup (ICC) 2020 Celebrations with the theme "Safe Oceans start at Home". The DENR, LGUs, SCUBA Divers, National Government Agencies (NGAs), and private industries pitched in their efforts to contribute to the baywide cleanup activity.icc4

By early morning of September 19, 2020, The DENR Protected Area Management office (PAMO), in collaboration with Senator Emmanuel "Manny" Pacquiao, the Local Government Unit (LGU) of Maasim headed by Municipal Mayor Zyrex Pacquiao, the City ENRO of General Santos City and PNP Maritime 12, spearheaded a SCUBASURERO Activity at Kamanga Marine Ecotourism Park and Sanctuary as well as at Pacman Beach Resort, both renowned dive sites in Maasim, Sarangani Province. Joining them were volunteers from the Sarangani Divers, Strike Divers, Pacman Beach Resort Divers, and DENR XII SCUBA Divers to assist the diving party.


SBPS Protected Area Superintendent (PASu) Joy C. Ologuin, who was a part of the SCUBASURERO team, shared that "We collected plastics, empty bottles, nylon ropes, discarded clothes, tin cans and other non-biodegradable waste underwater. Besides gathering marine litter, we also collected Crown of Thorns (COT) starfish to lower their numbers and prevent possible outbreaks that might harm the coral reefs."

At the same time, the LGUs of SBPS organized their own cleanup efforts along their respective coastal areas with the aid of their Barangay LGUs, local volunteers, and NGAs. Several coastal industries in General Santos City also joined in the cleanup activity, voluntarily cleaning their shoreline within their company grounds.

Presidential Proclamation No. 470, Series of 2003, declares the 3rd Saturday of September of each year as the International Coastal Cleanup (ICC) Day of the Philippines. Despite the ongoing pandemic, the DENR hopes that by practicing a culture of cleanliness within one's own home and workplace, one can do the same for the environment.

Safe Oceans start at home!


SBPS Marine Mammals Monitoring


September 01, 2020 – Numerous marine megafauna were spotted during a sbmsmarinemammal2Marine Mammal Monitoring (MMM) Activity held last August 25-28, 2020 within Sarangani Bay Protected Seascape (SBPS).

Throughout their 4-day monitoring within the seascape, the MMM team documented 150-200 Spinner dolphins (Stenella longirostris) off the coast of Malapatan, Sarangani Province; sbmsmarinemammal518 Risso’s dolphins (Grampus griseus) along the coastline of Barangay Bula, General Santos City and Alabel, Sarangani Province; and a rare sighting of 1 Dugong (Dugong dugon) in the waters of Brgy. Cablalan, Glan, Sarangani Province.

This Marine Mammal Monitoring is a periodic activity funded by the sbmsmarinemammal3Sarangani Provincial Governor’s Office, and is spearheaded by the DENR SBPS Protected Area Management Office (PAMO) in partnership with DENR 12, DENR CENRO Glan, Environmental Conservation and Protection Center (ECPC) Sarangani, BFAR 12, and the City ENRO of LGU-General Santos City.





DENR, MAKIMA stakeholders to plant 2 million trees by 2023makima

KIAMBA, Sarangani province (July 7, 2020) - The collaborative efforts of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) in the municipalities of Maasim, Kiamba and Maitum (MAKIMA) are envisioned towards planting of 2 million trees in the next three (3) years.

In an interview with the CENR Officer Ali M. Hadjinasser, PhD on the reforestation program of CENRO Kiamba, he said, “We also have an overwhelming support from Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) who are willing to take part in our advocacy to have a sustainable environment”.makima4

“In fact, our partners have already raised 100,000 seedlings ready for planting,” Hadjinasser emphasized.

“As planned, they will establish a tree nursery for Molave, Kamagong, Toog, Bagras, Bamboo and fruit trees like jackfruit, mango, avocado, guyabano and durian. They have also included vegetable seeds for distribution to the identified beneficiaries,” he added.

This movement was made possible through the partnership with Kiamba Sarangani Development Circles Inc (KSDCI), Kiamba Sarangani Development Foundation Inc. (KDSFI), One Kiamba, Maitum Advocate for Sustainable Environment (MASE), the Provincial Local Government of Sarangani, the Municipalities of Maasim, Kiamba and Maitum (MAKIMA) and their respective barangays.

Along with this plan, the intensified efforts of reforestation were initiated during the campaign to make Mt. Busa as a national park to be included among the protected areas legislated under the expanded NIPAS Act or RA 11038.

The identified native tree species will be planted in the protection forest while the fruit trees in areas under the production forest.

“As to the crop suitability, we will partner with the Department of Agriculture (DA) for soil testing. The DENR shall ensure that the resources are prepared before planting will commence,” CENRO Hadjinasser said.makiama2

The tree growing project is an opportunity to show to the public that they can find a more sustainable source of income in planting trees rather than cutting it.makima3

Hadjinasser likened the project to “hitting two birds with one stone”, as the fruit bearing trees that shall be planted will benefit the nearby communities as a source of livelihood.makima1

According to Hadjinasser, “This is our response to the several apprehensions we conducted in the last two months. Those incidents mean a family have lost their source of living. However, we shall introduce them to the reforestation program which will let them realize that there are more sustainable sources of income when we plant and grow trees,” he said.

This undertaking is in addition to the ongoing flagship program of DENR—the Enhanced National Greening Program (NGP) which started in 2011.

The 2 million seedlings to be raised will be planted to an estimated area of 4,000 hectares of denuded forest inside and outside the MAKIMA area. (Aileen D. Tenio, Information Officer Designate)



marine mammals

PANOORIN: ULAT KALIKASAN | MARINE MAMMAL MONITORING. Namataan kamakailan sa Sarangani Bay ng mga marine expert ang daan-daang bilang ng mga dolphin at balyena habang isinasagawa ang isang Marine Mammal Monitoring Activity sa baybayin. (MMMaulana)







(July 20,2019)

The Community Environment and Natural Resources Office (CENRO)-Glan headed by CENRO Abdul D. Cariga and Association of Barangay Captains ABC Pres.Chairman Rommel Retuya of Malugon Sarangani, together with some People's Organizations visited this Saturday, July 20 an established 2012 rubber plantation for an urban greening campaign.(KBBenpolok) Photos by: CENR Officer Abdul D.Cariga

credit to



June 6, 2019

In line with the celebrations of the 21st Philippine Eagle Week and Philippine Environment Month 2019, the DENR XII formally inaugurated the three-day Philippine Eagle Exhibit on Tuesday, June 4 at the Robinson's Place, General Santos City.

The said activity aims to heighten the awareness of the public on the importance of healthy environment in the activities and existence of one of the country's national symbol.

The launching was graced by DENR XII RED Nilo B. Tamoria, ARD for Management Services Datu Tungko M. Saikol, Conservation and Development Division Chief Dr. Ali P. Hadjinasser, Sarangani PENR Officer Mama G. Samaon, City ENR Officer Vsliente Lastimoso other DENR officials and employees, partner local government units and line agencies and other stakeholders. (MMMaulana) | Some photos by: KBBenpolok

Credit to




Pawikan Hatchling Released In Alabel, Sarangani Province


ALABEL, SARANGANI PROVINCE – May 09, 2019.  Thirty-seven Hawksbill turtle hatchlings were released at Barangay Ladol, Alabel, Sarangani Province on Thursday morning.

The hotline numbers of the Office of the Protected Area Superintendent – Sarangani Bay Protected Seascape (PASu-SBPS) received a report from Environmental Conservation and Protection Center (ECPC) Dr. Roy Mejorada regarding pawikan hatchlings in Brgy. Ladol, Alabel, Sarangani Province. In response, the Office of the PASu-SBPS immediately contacted MENRO Alabel Admin Aide Jaycee Tolentino, MENRO Allan Rivera and deployed PAMO Staff Ruel P. Burlas to the site.  

The report originated from Bantay Dagat and Fish Warden Chairman Rodrigo Panes, who then relayed the information to Mr. Tolentino and the ECPC The Office of PASu-SBPS received information from Mr. Tolentino to find Barangay Health Workers named Francisco Bibat and Alfredo Escultura. These two Barangay Health Workers watched over the pawikan eggs until they hatched and the pawikan hatchlings were ready for release.

pawikanThe turtle hatchlings were identified as the Hawksbill Turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata), a critically endangered species. With the supervision of MENRO Alabel and the Office of the PASu-SBPS, the 37 newly-hatched sea turtles or “pawikan” were released last Thursday at approximately 10:19 AM in Brgy. Ladol, Alabel, Sarangani Province. (by: Nadzla Adal, Ruel Burlas)



3 Dead Marine Turtles and Dugong Sightings Reported in Sarangani Bay


SARANGANI PROVINCE – May 03, 2019. The hotline numbers of the Office of the Protected Area Superintendent – Sarangani Bay Protected Seascape (PASu-SBPS) received pawikan stranding reports from the Environmental Conservation and Protection Center (ECPC), Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) XII, and Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). Despite the scattered locations of the reported strandings, these reports were validated on-site through the coordinated efforts of the DENR, PASu-SBPS, LGUs, ECPC, and BFAR, and confirmed that all three (3) reported pawikans were dead.

The first report arrived at 8:00 in the morning through a text message, whose contents read of a stranded marine turtle or “pawikan” in Brgy. Suli, Kiamba, Sarangani Province. turtle1The stranding was reported by ECPC in-house veterinarian and environmentalist Dr. Roy O. Merjorada. Accordingly, the Office of the PASu-SBPS immediately contacted the DENR Field Office of CENRO Kiamba to dispatch the proper personnel and validate the stranding. The PASu-SBPS Office also informed the MENRO Kiamba and Suli Brgy. Captain Melanie Balanag of the incident. Field validation revealed that the stranded turtle was a dead Olive Ridley turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea), with an open wound in the base of its left fore flipper. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List, the Olive Ridley Turtle is a Vulnerable Species with a decreasing population trend worldwide.

The second report was sent via Facebook messages from BFAR XII Personnel to PASu-SBPS Staff Quennie Lyn C. Arellano and Wilhelm Heinrich V. Cabe, which informed of three (3) dugongs sightings in Kingford Beach, Brgy. Tambler, General Santos City. Beach-goers who were bathing in Kingford Beach saw the Dugongs (Dugong dugon), and reported them to BFAR XII. Heeding the report, the PASu-SBPS Office contacted LGU-Gensan ENRO Staff Katherine Lopez Bitco and ECPC Dr. Mejorada. BFAR XII Charmaine Escleto instructed their colleagues, who were among the Beach-goers, to take photos of the dugongs for documentation. LGU-Gensan Katherine Lopez Bitco also arrived at Kingford Beach to validate the sightings. The IUCN Red List classifies Dugongs as a Vulnerable Species, and their habitats are limited to shallow coastal waters home to their preferrred food: Seagrass.

The third report came via text message at 3:00 in the afternoon: turtle2a turtle washed ashore in Queen Tuna Park, Brgy. Dadiangas South, General Santos City. The stranding was reported by DENR CENRO Glan personnel Hesed Jebs Carisma, and was confirmed through another correspondence addressed to PASu-SBPS Staff Gary John Cabinta. In response, the Office of the PASu-SBPS contacted the ECPC and LGU-Gensan Katherine Bitco. Field validation by ECPC Personnel revealed that the stranded turtle was a decomposed female Green Sea Turtle (Chelonia mydas) that had a missing right fore flipper and spilled intestines. The IUCN Red List classifies the Green Sea Turtle as an endangered species, with a decreasing global population. Considering the turtle’s rotting condition, the PASu-SBPS Office, ECPC, and LGU-Gensan agreed to take morphometric measurements of the dead turtle before burying it.

The fourth report arrived by text message from CENRO Glan Jebs Carismaturtle3 at 3:59 in the afternoon, and announced another turtle stranding in Zone 5, Brgy. Bula, General Santos City. The PASu-SBPS Office took action by dispatching its own personnel to the area, and reported the incident to ECPC, LGU-Gensan, and BFAR XII. BFAR XII Charmaine Escleto relayed that the DENR CENRO Gensan had also sent personnel on-site to document the stranding. The on-site investigation revealed that the stranded specimen was most likely a male Olive Ridley Turtle. The cause for uncertainty was due to the turtle’s highly emaciated condition, and its carapace/shell was heavily covered with algae.

The foregoing events proved that the implementation of a PASu-SBPS Hotline will mean better chances for marine megafauna sightings and strandings to be reported not only by government agencies, but more importantly, local citizens and stakeholders. (by: Nadzla Adal, SBPS Megafauna Response Team, 2019)






PENRO Sarangani Personnel gathered at Queen Tuna Park, General Santos City early morning of January 18, 2019 to join the clean-up drive initiated by the Environment Management Bureau (EMB), Region 12 Officea2 in celebration of the 19th year anniversary of the Ecological Waste Management Act with the theme “Expanding Partnership in Ecological Solid Waste Management through Alternative Technologies”.

                Several groups coming from the Academe, NGA’s, LGU’s (City and Barangay) and different communities within General Santos City participated the activity.dji 0048

               Bags of garbage and waste were gathered which were piled in a central point for the city dump truck to pick up for disposal.a6

                The Celebration come up with multi-sectoral effort working together for a common cause which was to promote cleanliness and proper waste  disposal particularly in the vicinity of Queen Tuna Park wherein improper waste disposal is rampant. (Jayza Mae Esteban, Photo: Gary John Cabinta)






The ever-increasing ocean trash – plastic waste in particular – has produced nothing less than a global crisis for ocean waters, marine wildlife and habitat, human health and safety, wasted resources and lost revenues for many nations. cc186Fortunately, this is one environmental issue that can be addressed by tackling trash at the source before it has a chance to reach the water and by changing the behaviors that allow trash into the water in the first place. International Coastal Cleanup (ICC) provides the opportunity to make a difference in a global movement by getting rid of trash/debris from our shorelines, rivers, lakes and waterways; raising environmental awareness; and providing information which will guide and influence governments, corporations and industries in developing smart solutions to the marine pollution problem. 

In the Republic of the Philippines, Presidential cc184Proclamation No. 470 series of 2003 declares the third Sunday of September of each year as the International Coastal Clean-Up Day.cc189 This 33rd year’s theme is “Tayo ang Solusyon sa Polusyon”. Through the initiatives of Local Government Units of Maasim and Alabel, Sarangani Province, the awareness and empowerment of the people to take active role in preservation and cleaning up of the oceancc187 could be achieved and lead to better -informed policy decisions and improved solid waste management programs. The activity also involved the volunteers to not only to pick up trash but also to count every item collected and record in a standardized data card. This action makes the ICC unique, aside from the simultaneous and coordinated global execution, as there is emphasis on organized scientific data collection. According to the non-government organization named Ocean Conservancy, cc183volunteers record not just what objects they find but also their material composition. The new information will be instrumental in helping determine the effects that specific materials are having on ocean habitats. By understanding the items collected in greater detail, scientists and ocean advocates will be able to identify the best remedies and advocate for solutions that will lead to a healthier ocean.

The National Government Agencies – Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), cc182Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH), Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP), Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR), and Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP), with the Local Government Units of Alabel and Maasim, Alabel National Science High School, and private sectors- Conrado and Ladislawa Alcantara Foundations Inc. (CLAFI), participated in the International Coastal Clean Up Celebration last September 19 and 21, 2018 at the areas along the vicinity of Sarangani Protected Seascape. The celebration also involved Mangrove Planting Activity to rehabilitate and enhance the rainforest of the sea, and Scubasurero activity that involved the volunteer divers from different offices within the Region 12.(Quennie Lyn Arellano, Photo from Gary John Cabinta)





Management Planning for Sarangani Bay Protected Seascape


Environmental degradation and habitat destruction throughout the Philippines are not only harming wildlife but also undermining people’s livelihoods and creating social instability. The U.S. government, through the U.S. Embassy in the Philippines’ United States Agency for International Development (USAID), partnered today with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) to launch a new biodiversity conservation project that will help protect and manage the Philippines’ diverse habitats and species. The Protect Wildlife program in the Philippines works towards biodiversity conservation, enhancement of ecosystem services and improvement of peoples’ well-being. The program approach is supported by four pillars, namely landscapes and seascapes, situational crime prevention, inclusiveness, and public-private partnerships. This partnership with multi-pronged programs identified the provinces of Sarangani and South Cotabato, which host some of the most biodiverse yet vulnerable natural habitats and species in southern Mindanao. The Sarangani Bay Protected Seascape (SBPS) is one of the identified areas that need Integrated Management Approach.

Facilitated by the Protect Wildlife with the assistance of DENR-PASu, an Orientation on Management Planning for Sarangani Bay Protected Seascape was conducted at Ellis Suites, General Santos City last July 11-13, 2018. This aimed to strengthen the partnership among the members of the Protected Area Management Board (PAMB) which are from the National Government Agencies, Local Governments Units, Academe and Civil Society Organizations. The workshop gave emphasis on the 4 aspects – IEC, Research, Enforcement, and Land use/Zoning. The outputs will then be used in the preparation of 5-year Strategic Management Plan for SBPS.



CENRO Glan and PNP Glan Discovered Illegally Cut Lumbers


GLAN, SARANGANI - The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) XII through the Community Environment and Natural Resources Office (CENRO) Glanglan illegal 2 and Philippine National Police (PNP) on Friday, April 13, 2018 jointly discovered illegally cut lumbers with an aggregate volume of 3,213.03 board feet concealed in a shrubby area near Glan River at Barangay Calpidong, Glan, Sarangani. Concerned authorities unveiled that the community’s high level of vigilance against illegal activities such as timber poaching prompted the discovery. (WGVergara/MMMaulana) #TayoAngKalikasan



World Water Day


KIAMBA, SARANGANI (March 23, 2018) - The Community Environment and Natural Resources Office (CENRO) Kiamba celebrates World Water Day on March 22, 2018. world water kiambaHighlighting the celebration is the bamboo planting activity at Barangay Tual and coastal clean-up operation in Barangay Poblacion in Kiamba, Sarangani. The success of the event was attributed to the active participation of the LGU Kiamba officials and employees, Kiamba Municipal Police and KDH Tricycle Drivers Association. This year’s theme is “Nature for Water”. (MMAdam with reports from MCPerales; photos:IKAdam)



Grassfire Incidence at the Area of Alcantara Ranch


MALUNGON, SARANGANI - Occurence of Grassfire at the are of Alcantara Ranch (Expired FLGA No. 543) located at Sitio Proper, Barangay Datal Tampal, Malungon, Sarangani Province monitored by CENRO RXII-4B, Glan, Sarangani Province.

The Fire incidence happened February 22, 2018 at around 10:00 o'clock in the morning and was reported through text by Barangay Officials who discovered the occurence of fire.

extreme heat and the dominate of Cogon in the area contributed to the rapid spreading of fire affecting 2.18 hectares.

CENRO Glan Fire Brigate Team was able to suppressed the fire with their fire fighting tools.  No NGP projects were affected damage reported in the vicinities. (FT II Lemuel B. Frias, Garex Christian C. Al-ag, Wenie S. Fantin, Marven Timon)


Awarding of Special Patents to School Sites in Sarangani

munato special patent

ALABEL, SARANGANI - DENR PENRO Sarangani in partnership with the Land Registration Administration (LRA) and the Provincial Government of Sarangani highlighted the Opening Program of the 2018 Munato Festival Celebration by awarding seven (7) Special Patents to some School Sites in the Province on November 28, 2017.

The Special Patents awarded covers five (5) School Sites in the Municipality of Maitum and two (2) from Glan, Sarangani. The Titles issued to School Sites were the product of the concerted efforts of DENR PENRO Sarangani and the Department of Education Sarangani Division.

Hon. Governor Steve Chongbian Solon, PENRO Mama G. Samaon, LRA representative and some members of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan of Sarangani handed-in the first batch of issued Special Patents to concerned School Administrators with some top DepEd Sarangani Officials witnessing.




seized 103 pices lauan lumber

KIAMBA, SARANGANI PROVINCE, November 27, 2017. (DENR)  The Community Environment and Natural Resources Office (CENRO) – Kiamba, Sarangani Province thru the leadership of Forester Calil A. Bantuas seized illegally cut/gathered/collected 103 pieces of Lauan sawn lumber.

On November 24, 2017 at around 8:25 o’clock in the evening, the elements of  PNP Kiamba Municipal Police led by PCI Rey Balagtas Salgado intercepted and apprehended one (1) unit Bongo truck loaded with sawn lumber without legal documents at  the barangay road of Datu-Dani, Kiamba, Sarangani Province.

The conveyance was driven by Mr. Aladin Badal together with Mohammad Gulinta and Haben Caunsa. Allegedly, the said forest products were came from mountainous area of Barangay Gasi, Kiamba, Sarangani Province.

The regulation and enforcement services of CENRO Kiamba led by Forester Jerric B. Labor conducted an inspection, verification and scaling on the apprehended sawn lumber and found out that a total of 103 pieces of Lauan lumber of assorted sizes with an estimated volume of 913 board feet or equivalent to 2.15 cubic meters and with an estimated market value of P27, 390.00 at P30.00 per board feet.

On November 27, 2017, a case was filed by CENR Officer Calil A. Bantuas at the office of the Provincial Prosecutor Alabel, Saranagni for violation of Section 77, P.D. No. 705 as amended against to the perpetrators.

Presently the said forest products and conveyance is impounded at Kiamba Municipal Police Station for safekeeping.

Cutting, Gathering and/or Collecting Timber, or Other Forest Products without License / permit or legal documents is a violation of PD 705 as amended. The said act is likewise a violation of Executive order No. 23 Series of 2011. (MC Perales/CENRO Kiamba-Photo by: AVEvangelio)




climate changeclimate change2

Engr. Allan Rivera, the Municipal ENR Officer of Alabel, Sarangani and the Forest Extension Officers of Provincial ENR Office, Alabel Sarangani conducted an information drive consistent to the celebration of Climate Change Consciousness Week with a theme of “Linking Science, Policy and Practice for Climate Change and Disaster Resilience” held at multipurpose gymnasium of Barangay Pag-asa, Alabel, Saragani on November 17, 2017.

The attendance when the activity was conducted is more or less 125 participants covering Grade 8, 9 and 10 students and the teaching force of Pag-asa Integrated High School and the topics imparted were all about flood and landslide including the mitigating measures if said calamity will happened accompanied by film showing to let the participants appreciate and have a better understanding about the topic.



Rescued Chinese Sparrowhawk (Accipiter soloenis) with telemeter attached to its body.

Malandag, Sarangani - At around 10:00 o’clock in the morning of October 24, 2017 (Tuesday), Mr. Francis Felisida a farm owner in the area and a resident of Gen. Santos City spotted the bird plummeted from above and observed that it is having difficulty flying back, fearing that it may become a prey to other animals, he captured the bird and brought it home. In the morning of October 25, 2017 (Wednesday) he surrendered it to City Environmental and Natural Resources Office Gen. Santos City (City ENRO) staff Rainier Tampus who then contacted Mr. Felix D. Robles Jr. who then went to City ENR Office with PASu Tech. Staff Gary John Cabinta to investigate.sparrowhawk2

The raptor was then brought to the Quarantine Office of Gen. Santos City to be check by the veterinarian. The veterinarian then advised that the bird should be quarantined first to observe its condition prior to releasing. The bird has a tag on its leg and a telemeter attached to its body. The tag indicates that its origin is in Taiwan.

Data was then gathered shown in the table below.
Leg band
Intact w/ tracking no. 2-00182 RRGT Taiwan
Total Length
36 cm
Wing length
56 cm
190 grams

In the morning of October 26, 2017 (Thursday) the bird manages to escaped while the caretaker opens its cage to feed it.   




stranded dugong

GLAN, SARANGANI - On Oct. 17, 2017 at around 5:00 o’clock in the morning Ms. Rowena Escobar spotted the dead Dugong (Dugong dugon) near their house. She then alerted the Punong Barangay Joselito Escobar who then send his constituents to the area and contacted BFAR 12 who then alerted the Office of the Protected Area Superintendent. PASu Technical Staffs Gary John Cabinta and Aries Siaotong and BFAR 12 Staff Jesrel Pantaleon then went to the area to investigate.    

Upon reaching the area, the dead Dugong (Dugong dugon) was already half buried, ordered by the Punong Barangay Joselito Escobar because the carcass was already in its early decomposition stage and the foul odor may cause health issues to the residents living near the area. The burial site was marked to recover the bones for future use and study.

The dead animal has no external abrasions and estimated to be dead 2-3 days before it was stranded in the area. Necropsy was not done because there was no personal present during that time to determine the cause of death.


stranded dugong2
Stranded Juvenile Dugong (Dugong dugon) with wound below the right eye

MALAPATAN, SARANGANI (October 19, 2017) - At around 7:00 o’clock in the morning Mr. Ray Jabasana spotted the dead juvenile Dugong (Dugong dugon) floating in the mangrove area in Purok 1, Brgy. Sapu Padidu, Malapatan. He then alerted BFAR Staff Jo-ann Paglinawan, who then contacted SWPR Team of SBPS. PASu Technical Staff Gary John Cabinta, BFAR 12 Staff Jesrel Pantaleon and Marie Ann Finalla, PENRO Staffs Michelle Polistico and Mackoi Padayhag, and ECPC Staffs Merry Khrisse Kamad and Michael John Hijara responded to the area to the area to investigate.

stranded dugong3
SWPR Team taking important data on the animal.

Upon reaching the area, the dead Dugong (Dugong dugon) was still fresh about a few hours dead. Mr. Jabasana said that there were strong waves that night, maybe the animal was disoriented and drowned. It was also suspected the it was the calf of the stranded female Dugong in Brgy. Nacolil, Glan which is a few kilometers away. The team then get important data and observations on the animal show in the table below.

Dugong Data
Parallel Scars
Scars during transport
Other Markings
Fresh wound in the lower right eye (undermined)
Body Length
Tail Fluke Width
Tail Fluke Length
Fluke Notch Depth
46cm width 5cm depth
Anus to Tail Fluke Notch Length
Genital to Anus Distance
Posterior Flipper Length
Flipper Width

The dead animal was then brought to Gen. Santos City Fish Port for storage and necropsy and possible taxidermy is scheduled next week.


Youth Group Undergoes Environmental Education

youth group1youth group2

Glan, Sarangani, August 24 (DENR) -- A youth group in Glan, Sarangani Province hosted a symposium to discuss climate change issues in an event to celebrate the Linggo ng Kabataan. The Glan You Move Association, a youth organization based in Glan, invited DENR to discuss in a symposium, basic information on global warming and climate change adaptation and mitigation. The event was participated in by young people representing the 31 barangays of Glan. Maria Elvira Lumayag of DENR CENRO- Glan, that headed the group of discussants, said that she is a strong supporter of youth power and women empowerment and believes that the youth will definitely bring a change to make the world a better place to live in. In closing, she congratulated Glan You Move Association, and Vice- Mayor Vivien Yap, for leading and honing the youth for a better Glan. (Wenie G. Vergara)


DENR Involves Community On Law Enforcement

denr involves community1

Glan, Sarangani, August 22 (DENR) -- The DENR CENRO- Glan recently meet with the 23 leaders of civil society organizations (CSOs) during the focused group discussion event for the recipients of the Enhanced National Greening Program of Malungon, Malapatan and Glan, of Sarangani Province, to tackle issues on timber poaching and protection of the remaining forest in their respective communities. The CSOs were encouraged to participate in the campaign against prohibited acts of harvesting timber and the utilization of other forest resources as well as any acts that cause destruction of forest resources. The leaders were taught of the policies and acts that are considered unlawful. They were also tapped in the reporting of violations thru fastest means for the DENR to respond on time. No less than the CENR Officer, Maria Elvira Lumayag, had personally discussed with the community leaders. (Wenie G. Vergara)





MAITUM, SARANGANI - Two primates commonly known as Tarsier (Tarsius syrichta) was turned-over by Toto Boone, a resident of Barangay Wali, Maitum, Sarangani Province to the personnel of DENR CENRO Kiamba on August 13, 2017  at around 10:30 in the morning. He found this Tarsier while preparing his area to be planted with banana. On August 14, 2017, these creatures were brought to DENR office for further inspection and observe hence it was found out  that the wildlife were adult male and female and measures ranging from 9cm to 10 cm in length, physically in good condition and  was immediately released back to its natural habitat on the same day by  For. Arnel V. Evangelio CENRO Kiamba personnel at Barangay Wali, Maitum,Sarangani Province. (MCPerales-CENRO Kiamba-Photo by: AVEvangelio)



Marine Mammal Survey in Sarangani Bay Protected Seascape (SBPS)

The Marine Mammal Survey was a joint monitoring activity of Protected Area Superintendent Office, BFAR 12, City ENR Office of Gen. Santos City and PENRO-LGU of Sarangani Province last August 15-18, 2017.

The survey team onboard the BFAR 12 speed boat survey the extent of Sarangani Bay Protected Seascape (SBPS) from Gen. Santos City Fish Port to Alabel and Malapatan, Sarangani Province on the first day and Glan, Sarangani Province on the second day. On the third and fourth day the team surveyed Maasim, Kiamba and Maitum areas of Sarangani Province. DSLR Camera and binoculars was use during the survey and GPS was used to tag the areas where the marine mammals was spotted.

Two (2) species of dolphins were spotted, Risso’s Dolphins (Grampus griseus) and Spinner Dolphins (Stenella longirostris) during the first 2 days of the survey.             

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Pod of Spinner Dolphins (Stenella longirostris)
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Pod of Risso’s Dolphins (Grampus grieus)


 Philippine Flying Lemur Rescued

MAITUM, Sarangani (August 11, 2017) - Regie Batiller (not in the picture), a resident of Barangay Mabay, rescued this Philippine Flying Lemur or locally known as "kagwang" kagat Sitio Kitae, Barangay Tuanadatu on August 8. The female Philippine Flying Lemur had two bullet wounds in her legs and given first aid treatment by injecting multi vitamins and spraying antibiotics on her swollen wounds conducted by Toto Delcano of the Office of Municipal Agriculturist.  The lemur will be referred to the Provincial Environmental and Natural Resources Office for further examination and observation before releasing her back to her natural habitat. (John James I. Doctor/MAITUM INFORMATION OFFICE)


Public- Private Partnership for Mangrove Rehabilitation Seen

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Glan, Sarangani, July 29 (DENR) -- The DENR CENRO- Glan sees an opportunity to have M Lhullier, a financial institution, a partner in mangrove rehabilitation projects in Sarangani Bay.

This was conceptualized after M Lhuillier sponsors mangrove planting activity in Glan Padidu, Glan with the DENR, Bureau of Fire Protection, PNP- Maritime Group, Sultan Kudarat State University and Glan Padidu Sea and Land Organization, a local peoples organization here.

M Lhuillier Regional Manager, Joffrey Paquit, proposes to adopt a site for mangrove

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rehabilitation project in partnership with DENR and the community under its corporate social responsibility program. Paquit explained that they will support projects that will create learnings to the community.

The mangrove planting activity was earlier proposed by M Lhuillier Glan Branch Manager Jake Gotubat together with the BFP. During the event, DENR CENRO Glan conducted a brief discussion on the importance of mangrove forest and climate change issues and facilitated the planting with the assistance of the community organization. (Wenie G. Vergara)



MAITUM, SARANGANI – from left to right (Meriam Talib, A certain pupil, Akas Talib, Kgd. Tahir A. Dambong, residence of Pinol, Maitum, Sarangani and Edgar Q. Calderon Park Maintenance Foreman-CENRO Kiamba) witnessed the official released of thirty two (32) Olive Ridley Pawikan hatchlings on July 24, 2017 at around 3:27 PM in the coastal shore of Sitio Takal, Brgy. Pinol, Maitum, Sarangani Province. (MCPerales-CENRO Kiamba, Photo by: EQCalderon)



CENRO KIAMBA Apprehends Illegally Cut Lumber

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MAITUM, SARANGANI, July 20, 2017. (DENR)  The Department of Environment and Natural Resources thru the Community Environment and Natural Resources Office - Kiamba apprehends illegally cut lumber at Barangay Pangi Maitum, Sarangani Province.

 Green Brigade/Forest Protection Officer (FPO) Nathaniel Abalos and Melchor Barina apprehended an illegally cut lumber at around 12:05 AM on July 20, 2017 at Barangay Pangi, Maitum Sarangani Province. It was loaded in a motorcycle with side car bearing plate number 8155 TM driven by Rommel Tawal and a helper named Boning Andong, both residence of Brgy. Wali, Maitum, Sarangani Province. The FPO immediately called the Maitum Municipal Police for assistance.

The enforcement section of CENRO Kiamba conducted identification and scaling on the said lumber on July 20, 2016. It found out that the total volume of lumber is equivalent to 80 board feet or 0.18 cubic meter more or less identified as Latel (Malugai) and having an estimated market value of Php 1,600.00

On July 24, 2017, a case was formally filed against the culprits in violation to PD 705 as amended at the Office of the Provincial Prosecutor located at Alabel, Sarangani Province.

The said lumber and motorcycle were presently impounded at Maitum Municipal Police Station placed under the custody of PSI  Rodel G. Javison for safekeeping.

Cutting, gathering and transporting of illegal forest product is a violation of section 77of PD 705 as amended and renumbered. The said act is likewise a violation of Executive order No. 23 Series of 2011. (MC Perales/CENRO Kiamba-Photo by: Nathaniel Abalos)



Sixty-Nine (69) Olive Ridley Turtles Released

The released of sixty-nine (69) Olive Ridley Turtles headed at Brgy. Maribulan, Alabel, Sarangani Province last July 13, 2017.  The activity was initiated by the Deputy Fish Warden of Alabel Sarangani.  The turtles were released at around 5:02 PM.  Most of the turtles were vigorous as they crawl on the shore towards the sea.  Although the weaker hatchlings were slow, all of them were able to make it to the sea.  The people that witnessed the activity are hoping that most, if not all, the turtles will be able to survive and reach maturity and eventually come back to lay their own eggs.  The releasing of hatchlings was witnessed by the representatives from the LGU and MENRO of Alabel, LGU-PENRO of Sarangani, CLAFI, DSWD, DENR-PENRO Alabel, Office of the PASu, and the locals of the barangay.



Stranded Melon-Headed Whale

On the afternoon of July 02, 2017 at around 4 o’clock some beach goers have spotted a stranded dolphin in the coast of Brgy. Tuyan, Malapatan, Sarangani Province and immediately informed the Punong Barangay of Tuyan Hon. Mohamad Amer Harid who instructed the Barangay Tanods to send the dolphin back to the deeper portion of the bay however, the dolphin keep coming back to shore.

On the next day, Hon. Harid informed the ECPC, BFAR 12, PENRO-LGU and the office of PASu who proceeded to the area to rescue the animal. The dolphin was identified to be a male Melon-Headed Whale (Peponocephala electra).

Rescue efforts were done by the partner agencies to save the dolphin. After several attempts of sending it back to the deeper part of the bay, the dolphin died at around 1:00 o’clock in the afternoon of July 03, 2017. The remains were brought to the Office of BFAR 12 in Fish Port Gen. Santos City for necropsy and to gather information on the dead creature.


Vigilance Against Crime Rising in Malungon

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Malungon, Sarangani, June 14, 2017 - Law Enforcement Team from DENR- CENRO Glan discovers newly sawn Narra lumber in  Barangay Kinabalan, a remote barangay of Malungon in Sarangani after a confidential tipster alarmed the DENR of the incident.vigilance against crime4

At around 12 midnight of July 8, the tipster informed the DENR of the case that immediately dispatched a team of forest rangers to the location about 3 kilometers from the Barangay site. The team, with the assistance of the barangay and municipal representatives, found no one on site except the 75 pieces of lumber of various dimensions that were deserted by the poachers. The DENR is currently conducting in-depth investigation based on the information of the tipster to resolve the case and prevent similar incident to happen in the future.

Cutting of trees without DENR permit is liable for violation of Section 68 of PD 705, as amended, and Section 77 of Republic Act 7161 . Executive Order No. 26, Series of 2011 also prohibits cutting of timber in natural and residual forest. Narra as a premium species is also strictly regulated. 

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After a preempted Narra poaching In Barangay Kinabalan of Malungon in Sarangani Province due to the report of a confidential informant to the DENR, another incident of timber poaching in Barangay Alkikan of the same town was reported by a concern citizen.

The law enforcement team of DENR- CENRO Glan responded to the report and found abandoned pieces of newly sawn lumber and 7 logs of young Lauan trees inside a residual forest of said barangay. The case is currently being investigated based on the information of the tipster to build a case and to prevent similar incident in the future.

The site is one of the patrol areas of LAWIN Team, under the LAWIN Forest and Biodiversity Protection System of the DENR that integrated a science-based assessment, user-friendly and the use of innovative technology on the monitoring the status of the forest. Through a mobile application called Cybertracker, members of the community living near a protected area can report forest conditions. The system may have inspired the people of Malungon to be vigilant against environmental crimes. (Wenie G. Vergara, Rogelio Lego, Nicolas Tangaro and Dante Dichoso/DENR – Glan, Sarangani)


Illegal Charcoal Intercepted

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Alabel, Sarangani Province, 1 June 2017 – Sacks of charcoal were deposited at the Sarangani Police Provincial Office, Kawas, Alabel, Sarangani after a certain Jeffry Cobita, driver of a private vehicle loaded with 39 sacks of wood charcoal was apprehended in a PNP checkpoint at Maribulan, Alabel, Sarangani, early morning on May 31, 2017 after failing to show transport document.

In the report of PCI Roy Yasay of the Sarangani Provincial Public Safety Company, PNP, SPO2 Pilardo Marquez, intercepted the vehicle, a red Toyota Liteace bearing plate number LDP 335, loaded with sacks of charcoal, during a routine checkpoint, searched the vehicle and found the illegal cargo.

Under existing law, wood charcoal as a by-product of timber or forest product, utilization and transportation of the same should be accompanied with necessary permits. Charcoal- making can cause rapid depletion of forest cover if unregulated. Under the law, one can only cut timber planted in titled or private land and should secure permit from the nearest Office of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources.

The case is currently investigated by the DENR under the supervision of CENR Officer Elvira Lumayag. (Wenie G. Vergara and Lemuel Frias/DENR – Glan, Sarangani)



CENRO Kiamba Conduct Coastal Clean-Up

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MAASIM, SARANGANI – The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) thru the Community Environment and Natural Resources Office (CENRO) Kiamba, Sarangani led by Forester Calil A. Bantuas had conducted coastal clean-up activity at the shoreline of Barangay Lumasal, Maasim, Sarangani Province on May 31, 2017 in partnership with the Local Government Unit of Maasim thru Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office (MENRO) led by Alejandra G. Sison in celebration to Month of the Ocean 2017 with the theme “Tayo at ang Karagatan”. One of the highlights of the activity was the releasing of two hundred forty (240) newly hatched sea turtles identified as Olive Ridley species at the coastal water of Sitio Lobo, Barangay Lumasal, Maasim, Sarangani Province. (MCPerales-CENRO Kiamba)


Wildlife Traffickers Busted

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Glan, Sarangani Province, 9 May 2017 – Three suspected traffickers of 58 exotic birds were apprehended in a joint operation of the Philippine National Police, Glan Municipal Police Office; Field Station Detachment of the Philippine Coast Guard; Naval Intelligence Security Group of the Philippine Navy and the DENR, in front of Glan overland terminal, around 9:00 PM, Sunday, May 7, 2017. The operation is an offshoot of a verified intelligence report.

When intercepted, the birds were placed and congested in two cages and loaded in a van accompanied by certain Norberto Dacillo Guiveces, of Barangay San Isidro, General Santos City; Edgar Suarez Batiao of Tagum City; and Jess Lomocso Donor with address at Tibungco, Davao City. The report disclosed that the birds were transshipped from a fishing bjoat to a van at Malabinuang, Davao Occidental. The birds were not accompanied by any document which is a violation of Republic Act 9147 (Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection Act).

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Further verification reveals that the birds were Tanimbar corella (Cacatua goffiniana) also known as Goffin's cockatoo or Goffin's corella, a species of cockatoo endemic to forests of Yamdena, Larat and Selaru, all islands in the Tanimbar Islands archipelago in Indonesia. The species is included in the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) Red List of Threatened Species. (Wenie G. Vergara and Niñolito Langomez /DENR – Glan, Sarangani)


Agriculture Officials Meet NGP Beneficiaries

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Malungon, Sarangani Province, 28 March 2017 – Agriculture officials visited one of the sites of the National Greening Program implemented by DENR with the Upper Lumabat Small Farmers Procedures Cooperative in Malungon.  The site were planted with Cacao which is a promising high value crop that can be developed as an industry by the Department of Agriculture which is also an implementing agency of the National Greening Program under Executive Order 26. Sitting in the front row (from right) are Undersecretary Evelyn Laviña, High Value Crops and Rural Credit of the Department of Agriculture, Executive Director Mel Montenegro  of Agricultural Credit Policy Council (ACPC) and Jocelyn Misterio of the Agricultural Program Coordinating Office of Sarangani and General Santos. The event was also attended by Ricky Remulta, Forest Extension Officer of the DENR. (Wenie G. Vergara and Ricky Remulta /DENR – Glan, Sarangani)


LAWIN Team Preempts Poaching

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Glan, Sarangani Province, 9 February2017 – A LAWIN Team compose of personnel from DENR CENRO Glan, Sarangani Province recently found pile of lumber abandoned along the foot of Mount Matutum in Barangay Datal Batong, Malungon during a routine patrol. The poachers may have noticed the presence of the patrolling personnel and fled from the site to avoid apprehension. Initial investigation reveals that the lumber were taken from a felled Red Nato tree, a large timber species native in the Philippines listed as vulnerable species by the National List of Threatened Philippine Plants and the International Union for the Conservation of Nature.

The LAWIN Team is under the LAWIN Forest and Biodiversity Protection System that integrated a science-based assessment, user-friendly and the use of innovative technology on the monitoring the status of the forest. Through a mobile application called Cybertracker, members of the community living near a protected area can report forest conditions. With a simple touch on the screen, users can contribute to the monitoring of protected areas. Patrollers can also track threats such as illegal logging, kaingin, and construction of establishment in a protected area like Mount Matutum Protected Landscape.

With the assistance of the local PNP and the Provincial Government of Sarangani that had provided the vehicle during the operation, the 176 pieces of lumber with volume of 1,295 board feet were brought to the DENR while the case is being investigated. (Wenie G. Vergara and Dante Dichoso/DENR – Glan, Sarangani)


One Green Sea Turtle Released

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A green sea Turtle was released at coastal water of Sitio Lubo, Barangay Lumasal, Maasim Sarangani Province on February 08, 2017 at around 8:00AM.  It was rescued on Tuesday (February 07, 2017) around 6:00 AM by some of the local fishermen when the flippers tangled to the fishing net and immediately reported the incident to Edelbrando Paras, caretaker of Pawikan Hatchery.

Team from CENRO Kiamba led by Park Maintenance Foreman Edgar Calderon conducted inspection of the Turtle and it was found out as male and measures 63 cm in length and width of the carapace and having no injuries. A tagged was put at the right flippers of the marine turtle.

The releasing was witnessed by the local communities, CENRO Kiamba staff, Pawikan Hatchery Caretaker.

Green Sea Turtle (Chelonia mydas) is listed as endangered species by International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Flora and Fauna (CITES). Transporting and trading of endangered wildlife species is punishable under R.A. 9147 or “Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection Act of 2001." (MCPERALES - IO DESIGNATE)



Illegally Cut Lumber Apprehended

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KIAMBA, SARANGANI - A joint operation of the members of Taskforce Kalikasan “Sulong Sarangani” on the apprehension of illegally cut lumber at barangay Katubao, Kiamba, Sarangani.

 A joint operation of the members of the Taskforce Kalikasan “Sulong Sarangani” composed of personnel’s from Bravo Coy, 27IB, PA led by 1LT Jason B. Ramos, and RPSB 12, 3RD MC led by PSI Abdulsallam Mamalinta and PNP Kiamba led by SPO4 Wilfredo G. Galon (team leader) intercepted a one jeep bearing temporary plate number 122610 loaded with illegally cut lumber at the boundary of barangay Katubao, Kiamba and barangay Lumasal, Maasim, Sarangani on January 20, 2017 at around 8:40 in the evening.

The lumber are composed of Yakal, Lauan and Malugai with the volume of 684 board feet or 1.61 cubic meters more or less and having estimated market value of P16,640.00. The said jeep and lumber is presently impounded at PNP Kiamba Municipal Police Station.

 The driver of the jeep is identified as Rocky Kondobio Ras, a resident of Lomuyon, Kiamba and one helper identified as Alex Tampuan Ganawan a resident of barangay katubao, Kiamba, Sarangani.

On January 21, 2017, Personnel’s from CENRO Kiamba, Bravo Coy, 27IB, PA led by  2LT Christopher Bañez (Team Leader), RPSB 12, 3RD MC led by Geraldo Guevarra (Team Leader) and PNP Kiamba led by SPO4 Wilfredo G. Galon (Team Leader) conducted an on-site verification on the information pertaining to illegally cut lumber at Sitio Talumbong, Katubao, Kiamba, Sarangani at around 10:35 in the morning.illegal cut lumber012317a.jpg

The team found abandoned illegally cut lumber composed of Yakal, Bagtikan and Loktob of different sizes and immediately hauled and impounded at CENRO Kiamba office. It has an estimated volume of 769 board feet or 1.81 cubic meters more or less and having an estimated market value of P17, 955.00

Hon. Governor Steve C. Solon is the chairman of Taskforce Kalikasan “Sulong Sarangani” with Co-chairman Regional Director Datu Tungko M. Saikol of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources – Region XII.

Cutting, gathering and transporting of illegal forest product is a violation of section 77 of PD 705 as amended and renumbered. The said act is likewise a violation of Executive order No. 23 Series of 2011. (Michael C. Perales/IO Designate – CENRO Kiamba)


Students Plant Mangroves in Sarangani Bay

students plant mangroves

Glan, Sarangani Province, 28 January 2017 – 111 students from STI General Santos City and 44 students from Saint Alexus College of Koronadal City recently planted mangroves in a mangrove forest in Glan Padidu, Glan, Sarangani Province. The undertaking is in consonance with the forthcoming World Wetland Day celebrated every 2nd day of February. Prior to planting, the students have undergone a brief lecture with the DENR personnel about the role of mangrove forests as a form of wetland that serve as natural safeguard against disasters. students plant mangroves2The importance of mangrove forest to climate change mitigation and adaptation was also discussed extensively. Mangrove rehabilitation and management was also tackled during the lecture. (Top) The students hold their seedlings taken from the DENR 12 Central Mangrove nursery and   (above) planted them at the vacant spots in the nearby mangrove forest.  (Wenie G. Vergara and Niñolito Langomez/DENR – Glan, Sarangani)




Migratory Waterfowl Seen in Glan, Sarangani

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Glan, Sarangani Province, 12 January 2017 – Personnel of DENR CENRO Glan recently conducted census of waterfowl in consonance with the 2017 International Waterfowl Census/ Asian Waterfowl Census. (Top) Whimbrels were spotted in Glan Padidu, Glan, Sarangani. The whimbrel is a wader in the large family Scolopacidae. It is one of the most widespread of the curlews, migratory waterfowl2breeding across much of subarctic North America, Europe and Asia as far south as Scotland. (Right) Some little egrets (Egretta garzetta) were spotted along ponds in Sitio Pagang, Barangay Baliton, municipality of Glan during a bird survey. Little egret (Egretta garzetta) is a species of small heron in the family Ardeidae. The genus name comes from the Provençal French Aigrette, "egret", a diminutive of Aigron," heron". The species epithet garzetta is from the Italian name for this bird, garzetta or sgarzetta. It is a white bird with a slender black beak, long black legs and, in the western race, yellow feet. As an aquatic bird, it feeds in shallow water and on land, consuming a variety of small creatures Its breeding distribution is in wetlands in warm temperate to tropical parts of Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia. In warmer locations, most birds are permanent residents; northern populations, including many European birds, migrate to Africa and southern Asia to over-winter there. Another species spotted are Black- winged Stilt. Found in West Europe and the Mediterranean region to Central Asia, sub-Saharan Africa and Madagascar, South and Southeast Asia; localized breeder in East Asia (e.g. Taiwan) but more widespread during winter; has become a regular migrant to the Marianas and Saipan and sometimes is seen on other islands in western Micronesia (e.g. Koror, Ngeriungs Islet and Peleliu of Palau) since the late 20th-century. Northwestern populations migrate south to Africa in winter. (Wenie G. Vergara,Nelson Ycon and Paul John Cadorna/DENR – Glan, Sarangani)




Philippine Eagle Rescued

philippine eagleMAITUM, SARANGANI, January 4 (DENR) - The Community Environment and Natural Resources Office (CENRO) Kiamba, Sarangani and Local Government Unit (LGU) of Maitum rescued one Philippine Eagle (Pithecophaga jefferyi) at barangay Batian, Maitum Sarangani.

Park maintenance Foreman Edgar Q.  Calderon of CENRO Kiamba and Ms. Elizabeth Ramos and other representatives from LGU Maitum went to barangay Batian to rescue and recover the said Philippine Eagle at barangay  Batian last  January 3, 2017.

According to Mr. Calderon “the eagle was found by a certain Gibson Badal last January 2, 2017 at around 9:00 o’clock in the morning on his farm area and he noticed that the raptor was weak and not in a good condition”.

 On January 3 2017, at around 8:00 o’clock in the evening, a team from Philippine Eagle Foundation leaded by Jayson Ibanez (Director for Research and Conservation) arrived at CENRO Kiamba Office to conduct general check up of the raptor and found out that the said Eagle was severely dehydrated and overly thin and later travelled to Davao City for further examination.

At around 2:00 o’clock in the morning, January 4, 2017, the team arrived at Isaac T. Robillo Memorial Hospital for the x-ray of the raptor and turned out that it has an embedded pellet on the body particularly on the left groined. It was also examine by the veterinarian of Philippine Eagle Center (PEC) and found out that it has no entry wounds, the veterinarian gives some fluids to the raptor to address the dehydration and shots of vitamins and antibiotics.

 “We’re optimistic na okay yung bird in general, ok yung health niya and then if its cleared by our veterinarian for release, ibabalik natin siya doon sa kanyang territory” Director Ibanez said.

“ We’re quite excited about this because this would become the entry point, it would became the start of a systematic Philippine Eagle conservation program within Maitum philippine eagle1and also across the mountain range Mount Busa, this is really something exciting, the Philippine Eagle Foundation, we’ve discovered pairs before but because of lack of resources hindi rin naka install ng isang strong conservation program, we’re very excited hopefully this would be right opportunity to do with, to the local government units, with the DENR and the indigenous communities” he added.

The rescued Philippine eagle was given an initial name as “Maitum”

The Philippine Eagle also known as the monkey eating eagle or great Philippines eagle, endemic to the forest in the Philippines and listed as critically endangered and protected under R.A. 9147 also known as “Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection act of 2001”. MCPerales/IO Designate – Photos By: EQCalderon.